3 Feathers Emu News — heart healthy

Friday Fun Emu Fact

Janean Parker emu meat emu oil emus heart healthy the other red meat

Friday Fun Emu Fact

Fun Friday Emu Fact: So last week I told you how tasty emu meat is. But... it is also good for you!! Thank you to the AEA for this wonderful meat comparison chart. You can see that emu meat is very lean and high in protein, making it a nutritious alternative, especially for those folks with alpha gal (a tick borne allergy to mammalian meat) or other food sensitivities. #3Feathersemus #emumeatisgoodforyou #emutheotherredmeat #alphagal #farmingisfun #fridayfunfact

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Friday Fun Emu Fact

Janean Parker emu meat emu oil emu products heart healthy the other red meat

Friday Fun Emu Fact

We raise emus for their emu oil, which we use to make all our products. But we also sell emu meat. Most people thing emu meat is a white meat like chicken or turkey, but instead it is more like beef. It is also super nutritious. We have USDA meat for sale in steaks or as ground meat. If you haven't tried it before, you are missing out. #3Feathersemus #farmingisfun #emutheotherredmeat #hearthealthymeat #fridayfunfact

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